New In-Game Info for Pokemon Go Revealed!

Since pokemon go has been released in around 30 countries by now maybe a little bit more. People have found different tips and tricks to playing the game. Along with finding out new info about pokemon stats. Some of it is good, some are head scratchers, and some can grind your gears.

New in game info on Pokemon Go

Doesn't use a pedometer/measure steps

I got 5 eggs the other day when I went to a pokestop and was confused about how sometimes it showed that I had walked more. Then when I would keep walking around the same way it would end up acting like I didn't walk much. I have been scratch my head and wonder what the sam hell is going on with that. Well today I found out that it doesn't matter how far you walk, it all depends on how well your GPS is working. Meaning if it bugs out and sends you far away one second and then back to where you actually are. That could make the egg hatch even though you never walked that far. So then this would mean to hatch an egg fast, you would want to be in an area that might cause your GPS to bug like that.

New In-Game Info for Pokemon Go Revealed!

Type Advantages

If you have ever played a pokemon game you would know all about this. Just in case if you don't here's the list of which types do better or worse against the other.

- Fire-type Pokemon:
Effective Against: Steel, Bug, Ice, Grass
Weak Against: Rock, Water, Ground

- Water-type
Effective Against: Fire, Ground, Rock
Weak Against: Electric, Grass

- Grass-type
Effective Against: Water, Ground Rock
Weak Against: Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying, Bug

- Electric-type
Effective Against: Water, Flying
Weak Against: Ground

- Normal-type
Effective Against: None

Weak Against: Fighting

- Ice-type

Effective Against: Grass, Ground, Flying, Dragon
Weak Against: Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel

- Poison-type
Effective Against: Grass, Fairy
Weak Against: Ground, Psychic

- Fighting-type
Effective Against: Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark, Steel
Weak Against: Flying, Psychic, Fairy

- Ground-type
Effective Against: Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock, Steel
Weak Against: Water, Grass, Ice

- Rock-type
Effective Against: Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug
Weak Against: Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Steel

- Psychic-type
Effective Against: Fighting, Poison
Weak Against: Bug, Ghost, Dark

- Bug-type
Effective Against: Grass, Psychic, Dark
Weak Against: Fire, Flying, Rock

- Flying-type
Effective Against: Grass, Fighting, Bug
Weak Against: Electric, Ice, Rock

- Dragon-type
Effective Against: Dragon
Weak Against: Ice, Dragon, Fairy

- Fairy-type
Effective Against: Fighting, Dragon, Dark
Weak Against: Poison, Steel

- Ghost-type
Effective Against: Psychic, Ghost
Weak Against: Ghost, Dark

- Dark-type
Effective Against: Psychic, Ghost
Weak Against: Fighting, Bug, Fairy

Stats explained

New In-Game Info for Pokemon Go Revealed!
CP by Pokemon

They have the list of all the pokemon showing the CP they get each power up they get.

Pokémon GO cp tier list

Things decoders have found

- The level cap for pokemon trainers is 40, to get there from level 1 you need 20 million exp. Just going from 39 - 40 will take 5 million.

- Once the trainer hits level 30, the pokemon you find won't automatically have a higher CP. Meaning any wild pokemon you find after 30 will have the same max CP, so you will end up having to spend candy and stardust to upgrade.

- Moves do have an accuracy and hit rate.

- Each unique pokemon you find has it's own Capture and Flee rate.

- Same type attack bonus (STAB) is carried over from the main pokemon games and is in Pokemon go.

- Egg's have a cap level at 20, if you find one that is above 20 it's still going to hatch with the same quality of a level 20 egg.

- Mewtwo, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno are Legendary.

- Mew is rank Mythic.

- There is a Master Ball in the game, sadly nobody has a clue where it could be.

- When you do a Curveballs and Accurate Throws (Nice, Great, Etc) it helps with your capture chance when you throw a pokeball.

- Dragonite has the strongest base attack among all the pokemon in GO, besides the legendary ones.

- They have an achievement/badge rank above gold.

- Farfetch'd and Ditto do exist, we just have no idea where they could be.

- The Move Damage you do maybe go up with your trainers level.

- The higher level you are, the harder it will be to catch pokemon.

- Pokemon that are defending a gym attack every 1.5 seconds.

That's all the info I've been able to find so far since the release. I do hope that it helps you out in knowing how you want to set your pokemon team up to take on other gyms.

New In-Game Info for Pokemon Go Revealed!
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