Have you switched browsers since Chrome is starting to sabotage ad blockers?

Starting June 2024, adblockers such as uBlock Origin and many other extensions on Chrome will no longer work as intended. Google Chrome will begin disabling extensions based on an older extension platform, called Manifest V2, as it moves to the more limited V3 version.

Have you switched browsers since Chrome is starting to sabotage ad blockers?

I have been a Chrome user pretty much since it came out but now I switched to firefox because of this bullshit. I haven't settled on firefox I'm just trying it out I might still switch again. I know Youtube are also trying to sabotage other browsers but I'd still rather put up with that than ads all the time. This is why it sucks when one company owns everything. Because if chrome and youtube were 2 different companies they'd never do this, since they'd piss off all their customers and send them to other browsers. But since it's all one company google has decided that they want to increase their ad revenue on youtube even if it costs them in other areas of their business.

Are you going to go along with it or try and find a way around this new obstacle?

13 d
I read somewhere like 70% of people use chrome. So even though most of the people who answered here don't use it, it's still a big deal. It could cause a big shift if people pay attention and find a different browser.
Have you switched browsers since Chrome is starting to sabotage ad blockers?
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