HELP! - urgent: I have a virus on my computer called chilltab and I can't get rid of it. This thing on my screen won't disappear. What should I do?

I've ha da virus on my computer called chilltab for along time but it hasn't been that annoying so i never bothered to try and get rid of it. Today however it has gotten worse. This thing pops up and its NOT going away. Im getting really frusterated because I went to my instalations and tried to delete it but when ever I move it to the trash it doesn't let me and this thing pops up saying that I can't delete it because its currently open. on top of that it also ocassionally opens this random sites and the green light on the top of my mac goes on (meaning my camera is being used) I've spent the last hour trying to get rid of this virus but the thing in the middle of my screen just keeps popping up even after restarting my computer. im so frusterated. does anyone know anything I can do? if no one here has any solutions im gonna have to pay money to get a virus/malware remover which I really dont want to do. Also, is it possible to completely restart a macbook, deleting everything on it? if I did this it would get rid of the virus right? i hope someone knows something I can do.
HELP! - urgent: I have a virus on my computer called chilltab and I cant get rid of it. This thing on my screen wont disappear. What should I do?
This is what my screen currently looks like. the box in the middle is what is refusing to go away. :(
HELP! - urgent: I have a virus on my computer called chilltab and I can't get rid of it. This thing on my screen won't disappear. What should I do?
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