Is it wrong, to celebrate an opportunity you got, if the only reason you got the opportunity was because of an injury?

So basically my teammate, who I love like a sister got injured last night. Still waiting on the results from coach to how serious her injury is.

Anyway her injury got me actual significant playing time. I played the last 13 minutes of the game. I got a rebound and a steal. Not big numbers by far.

But i had a lot of significant stops, caused turnovers that led to us scoring. I felt good. I was very disruptive defensively, but, as much as I want to celebrate this, because i finally saw if given significant time I actually can hold my own, however it feels wrong because I'm only in there because of the suffering of someone I love and respect.

Is it wrong, to celebrate an opportunity you got, if the only reason you got the opportunity was because of an injury?
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