Democrats want him out, but Biden says he isn't going anywhere. Is Obama going to tell him"Sorry Joe, time to go or we'll invoke the 25th Amendment"?

The Democrats are in chaos and full panic mode now that their lies about Biden's mental competence have been exposed for all to see.

But the news is that Biden isn't going to leave voluntarily.

Are the Democrats going to force him out? Do you think Obama will put his arm around him and say:

"Sorry Joe, you've served your purpose, but now it's time for you to go."

Biden: "I'm not going anywhere! I am the President of the Greek Empire in -- what was that again -- Ukraine! Anyway... Duhhhh ishbibble rindicon ipsoid luxicoffer. Cornpop was a bad dude!"

Obama: "Didn't want to do this Joe, but either you quit or it's the 25th Amendment for you. Either way Kamala is getting your job. We have plans for her too just like we did for you. We're done with you now. We can do this the easy way or the hard way Joe. It's up to you. Come on, I'll show you the way out..."

Cornpop? Where are you Cornpop? Common man!
Cornpop? Where are you Cornpop? Common man!
1 d
The Democrats and the fake news are trying to revive the cackler now to see if they can get people to stop hating her in case they give Biden the boot... they are talking about how "brilliant" she is! 🤣🤣🤣

I think she is even dumber than Biden and that is a near impossibility.
Democrats want him out, but Biden says he isn't going anywhere. Is Obama going to tell him"Sorry Joe, time to go or we'll invoke the 25th Amendment"?
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