Why have the Democrats been lying to the American people for the last 4 years hiding Biden and telling us he was mentally fit to be president?

Many of us figured out that Biden was mentally incapacitated even before the 2020 election even took place.

But now the entire country finally got to see it for themselves as many didn't pay any attention until the debate when they were shocked to see that the man who is not only responsible for the leadership of the United States, but the leadership of the entire world, and the man who controls the largest economy, most powerful army and largest nuclear arsenal in the world is both mentally and physically unfit.

Even after stacking the entire debate against President Trump, and going into complete isolation for 8 days to prepare for the debate, getting all the drugs and all the rest that his doctors and the best debate preparation team in the country could provide, Biden didn't even last seconds before he completely fell apart.

CAN YOU IMAGINE what the leadership of our adversaries, China, Russia, Iran, North Korea... were thinking when they saw this feeble minded weak man at the debate? Can you imagine what they are thinking when they realize they may only have a few more months until President Trump takes over so they better take action against America now or they may never have that opportunity again?

And with the Democrats' open border which we already know has allowed HUNDREDS of known terrorists to infiltrate our country from all over the planet and no one even knows how many broke in that we don't even know are here?

The Democrats have been hiding this guy in basements, keeping him from the press, telling us that videos of him acting like a dementia patient were fakes, and keeping Americans from seeing how unfit this man is to be president for 4 years. THEY KNEW ALL ALONG BUT WERE MORE INTERESTED IN KEEPING POWER THAN THE FATE OF OUR COUNTRY AND OUR CITIZENS!


If this doesn't INFURITATE you, there is something wrong with you.

Why have the Democrats been lying to the American people for the last 4 years hiding Biden and telling us he was mentally fit to be president?
Why have the Democrats been lying to the American people for the last 4 years hiding Biden and telling us he was mentally fit to be president?
Post Opinion