How would the Democrat candidate get their name on ballots if Biden drops out?

How would the Democrat candidate get their name on ballots if Biden drops out?

There's already a problem with Biden getting his name on the ballot in Alabama and Ohio, because those states have names-on-ballot deadlines before the Democratic Convention; an exception law is being considered by each state legislature. If Biden were to drop out (or be removed by the 25th Amendment as some have suggested), how would the Dems candidate, whoever that is, get their name on the ballot in those states. And, depending on when Biden drops out, maybe other states that would have already put his name on the ballot. It takes months to prepare all the different voting machines and processes that the states have.

If the actual candidate's name doesn't appear on he ballot, would a vote for Biden be counted as a vote for his replacement candidate? Or would there have to be a massive write-in campaign and vote? Or maybe there's no way the Democratic candidate could win? Would the election be delayed, to give states the time to correct their prepared ballots?

What do you think would happen?

To complicate things even further, when someone votes for a Presidential candidate, they are actually voting for electors for that candidate, not for the candidate. The electors then vote in the Electoral College, which passes their results to the House of Representatives, which certifies the results and actually determines the President-elect.

How would the Democrat candidate get their name on ballots if Biden drops out?
Post Opinion