Should there be a veterans month?

I don't get why other things with less importance get a full month when the military is what assures we can celebrate other things like this by fighting or even dying for the country to then come back ( if they come back) to only get one day to celebrate meanwhile my dumb ass is sitting back here celebrating a birthday or hEtErOsExUaL dAy, like anyone should give a shit that I'm straight, I'm prideful of being straight good on me but nobody gives a shit (I used my own so i dont seem like im choosing sides here cause im aware even celebrating being straight is stupid) I don't think that is an importance to celebrate and along with many other stupid celebrations we have here, I think that if someone is gonna get a full month it should be the ones keeping the country safe, it seems that thanks to these veterans we have a bit too much freedom and it's getting to people's heads lol
Should there be a veterans month?
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