So Biden refused to take a drug test before the debate?

Does that sound in any way suspicious?

The Biden Campaign has clearly rejected the possibility of agreeing to take a drug test. This rejection is causing concern among those who have challenges believing that Biden possesses the mental capacity of a president, provoking more questions about what the former vice president knows that he is hiding

The expectations for Biden have been astonishingly lowered. Simply appearing and not collapsing seems to be enough to garner accolades from a sympathetic media. But should we, as a nation, settle for such minimal standards for our leader?

Reportedly, Dr Ronny Jackson, a former White House physician, has called for Biden to undergo a drug test before and after the debate. This demand, considering the high stakes and the necessity for transparency, is not unreasonable. President Trump has already expressed his willingness to undergo a drug test, demonstrating his openness and accountability.

However, the Biden camp’s refusal to comply only heightens suspicions that Biden might rely heavily on medication to function daily. Numerous Americans have observed his frequent gaffes, apparent confusion, and instances suggesting a decline in mental acuity. These are not mere idle speculations but serious concerns regarding the fitness of a potential leader of the free world

The last time Joe Biden was publicly seen, he appeared noticeably unsteady, staggering and swaying across the tarmac in Maryland on his way to Camp David. These images exacerbate concerns about his health and his capability to lead.

Previously, President Trump called on Biden to take a drug test before a 2020 debate, and Biden refused. This repeated refusal deepens the suspicions and concerns regarding Biden’s actual health status and his aptitude to lead the nation.


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So Biden refused to take a drug test before the debate?
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