Did you watch the presidential debate last night?

People usually already have their minds made up about who they are voting for in presidential elections and debates have nominal impacts.

But last night’s debate was an inflection point important in a very close race. And most analysts think Biden performed absolutely horribly. He looked decrepit, weak, lost at times, etc. Trump had some “Trumpish moments”. He did exaggerate and lie at times. But one thing is for sure: Father Time has definitely laid a definitive claim to one of the candidates and it isn’t Trump.

Although I want Biden out of the Oval Office and straight to the nursing home where he belongs his performance last evening actually made me nervous. Reason being America’s enemies (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc) were watching that and now they are much more likely to get very aggressive in the next 6 months. They know there is a high likelihood Trump will be back and they won’t be able to push him around like they can push Biden. So they are likely going to get much more aggressive while they can.

Also for all you upset leftists out there just remember this early debate was all the Biden administration’s idea.

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Just FYI I would actually feel sorry for Biden in other context. I will never make fun of a senior citizen who is just going through life and losing their cognition.

But this man who is clearly demonstrating cognitive decline is our current senility is our current sitting POTUS and campaigning for another 4 years in office. That is just absolutely insane. How the hell he even won the primaries back in 2020 is beyond me. At least Trump can still walk and chew gum at the same time.
Did you watch the presidential debate last night?
Post Opinion