Do you think that someone who wants Biden out of the Democrat party replaced his usual dementia drugs with tic-tacs before the debate last night?

I mean did you see this guy in the debate last night? This is the scariest thing I ever saw. After a ridiculous record EIGHT DAYS of going into seclusion, getting pumped up on drugs, sleeping for days and preparing for the debate, they STILL couldn't make Biden look coherent.

THIS is the guy the Democrats chose to control America's nuclear arsenal and determine the future of our children and grandchildren?

There has never been a presidential debate scheduled BEFORE the convention before. It's clear why the Democrats did this. They wanted to see if Biden could hold it together in a debate BEFORE the convention, and give him one last try, to decide whether to dump him or not and still have time to replace him at the convention. That was the plan.

Well he FAILED and now the Democrats are in full panic mode.

No sane person would vote for a Democrat after the catastrophe they put this country into. If you are not INFURIATED at the Democrats for the situation they put you and your family in and about LYING to you about Biden's mental status, there is something wrong with YOU.

Do you think that someone who wants Biden out of the Democrat party replaced his usual dementia drugs with tic-tacs before the debate last night?
Do you think that someone who wants Biden out of the Democrat party replaced his usual dementia drugs with tic-tacs before the debate last night?
Post Opinion