Why do people care about Hunter Biden?

like I don’t get why he’s always brought up. He’s not the one running for president so who gives a fuck.

Let the man smoke his crack and make his sex tapes lmaoooo. That ain’t got shit to do with me.

Like okay, he fucks bitches and gets money and I’m supposed to be mad about it?

And then they’re like “he has felonies.” Okay? So does the line cook who makes your food when you go to Applebees, what’s your point?

Then I looked up what he has a felony for and it’s for an illegal firearm. Like bruh are y’all for real lmao. Since when do y'all care about illegal firearms.

by the way this is not Joe Biden support, I don’t like that man. And me saying I don’t like Joe Biden doesn’t mean I like trump either. They’ll both burn in hell

Why do people care about Hunter Biden?
Post Opinion