Should the Palestinians lose Gaza after yet another war & attempted Genocide against the Jews?

What is ilegal about Israel? In 1948 the UN decided to let the Jews in Israel rule themselves on the lands they had bought and paid for and for the first time in history to create a Palestinian state for those Arab Muslim colonists who we now call Palestine. The Arab Muslims could not accept a non-muslim people rulling themselves and launched a war against the Jews and despite outnumbered the Jews and backed by virtually every major Muslim country and supplied by western nations they were badly beaten, in fact Muslims haven't won a war in a few hundred years. Not accepting a non-Muslim people ruling themselves or even existing is three in nearly every Muslim country. For instance the coptics who are the native people of Egypt have been persecuted for centuries by the Arab Muslims. In Turkey the kurds and Armenians are persecuted. In Pakistan Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and sheiks are persecuted.

In conclusion the Palestinians forfeited their lands in an attempted genocide in 1948 and every time since. In their latest attempts it looks like they will lose Gazza completely. They are like a gambler that keeps betting even though they never win. Other Muslim nations know not to deal with the Palestinians or take them in as they are bad guests as the Jordanians found out when the Palestinians in Jordan tried to overthrow their government.

They tested Israeli Jews DNA against ancient hebrew graves, with Jews around the middle east and north Africa and with the Samaritians and they all match up. Jews during their disposporia were a nation without a country and they didn't marry with non-jews.

Should the Palestinians lose Gaza after yet another war & attempted Genocide against the Jews?


Should the Palestinians lose Gaza after yet another war & attempted Genocide against the Jews?
Should the Palestinians lose Gaza after yet another war & attempted Genocide against the Jews?
Should the Palestinians lose Gaza after yet another war & attempted Genocide against the Jews?
Should the Palestinians lose Gaza after yet another war & attempted Genocide against the Jews?
Should the Palestinians lose Gaza after yet another war & attempted Genocide against the Jews?
Should the Palestinians lose Gaza after yet another war & attempted Genocide against the Jews?
Post Opinion