Should foreigner’s opinions be considered relevant compared to American citizens living in the USA in regards to presidential elections?

I have been noticing more of this bullshit lately. Lots of foreigners spouting their opinions on Trump vs Biden and the 2024 election

That’s not to say they can’t have an opinion. However if they don’t live in this country nor have to live under the policies our elected leaders have enacted then they better stfu when it comes to lecturing Americans.

They can have an opinion. But their opinion should never be respected as equal to an American citizen who votes here and lives here when it comes to politics. American citizens have to live with the direct fall out of elected leader’s policies. They don’t (most of the time). At least not directly

To a limited extent I give more leeway to nationals who are from our direct neighbors (Mexico and Canada). Some but not full leeway. I also can also understand citizens in war time nations (Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Gaza, etc) are obviously going to be heavily impacted by US policy. I can see why people from these countries have a vested interest in the outcome of the 2024 election.

But most foreigners are getting their news about American current events directly from our mass media (CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NBC, etc.) and not from independent journalists. They are getting a very warped and twisted view on what life is really like here. Sure their own countries have their own journalists. Some of them might even live in the USA and cover stories about that they eyewitness. But most of them are getting their updates from heavily partisan sources (including famous celebrities spouting their twisted views). So they are misinformed from the start.

Just seeing a lot this bs on GAG lately. I know I don’t waste my time lecturing foreigners about their domestic politicians and elections.

I am American and no. They don’t live here so why should I listen to them?
I am American and yes. I will listen to them the same way I listen to someone who lives here
I am not American and no.
I am not American and yes.
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1 mo
I know our mass media gets broadcasted worldwide. I am not saying that people outside the USA follow their own media sources. Of course they do. But without a doubt our MSM is influencing their perception of the USA worldwide. I also know our social media is heavily censored (except X). I also the communist people republic of China is deeply and expertly involved in spreading disinformation about the USA especially in social media further warping foreigners views of us.
1 mo
Also for all of you saying “well you are American so you believe in free speech”. Of course I believe in that. I explicitly said “foreigners CAN have an opinion”. But I can have an opinion ABOUT them having an opinion.

This was motivated by a foreigner who tried to lecture me about issues not just in the USA but politics in my actual f*cking home state. Like he knows better about my locale then I do. Just the condescending ignorance of these people and 95% of the time they are leftists.
Should foreigner’s opinions be considered relevant compared to American citizens living in the USA in regards to presidential elections?
Post Opinion