When asked on another website what Biden stands for 6 people in a row said "Google it". A man answered"I did and there's nothing there". Are D a cult?

Also the way Democrats all say the same thing about Trump "I hate him". The same answer always comes up because they hate him. That is cult behavior!
It's short, it's something they can all remember when asked.
They can lie all they want about Trump because telling lies about him is all they know how to do.

Oh, but ask them what bad things the president they voted for has done wrong or bad and they lie about him being the best President America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ has ever had.
Sorry, they have their presidents mixed up. President Trump is the best President America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ has ever had and they know it and I know it and so do the American people.
Democrats hate themselves for getting it so wrong about their choice for president because they chose Biden the destroyer of America and took all of us down with them.
We are all going to die one day and that is an undisputed fact!
They will have to answer to God when they die for each and every wrong doing they did while they walked the earth.
I would much rather be punished by people than to be punished by God's wrath on me.
Your opinions shouldn't be about debating about God here. That will be on a totally different question.
Thank you and remember NO NAME CALLING ON THIS WEBSITE.
When asked on another website what Biden stands for 6 people in a row said "Google it". A man answered"I did and there's nothing there". Are D a cult?
Post Opinion