What's a dream that made you emotional?

One that made me very emotional is one in which I was a Confederate soldier, I was recovering from a wound to my arm that I got at Appomattox Station on April 8th, 1865.

A nice woman was generous enough to make me a wrap for my arm, in which I was shot, and let me stay the night.

In the morning of April 9th, 1865, i walked outside, I wasn't far from the McLean house. I started walking towards it, I was stopped by a Union cavalry soldier who pointed his carbine at me. My eyes narrowed, as I glared at him, clearly communicating that I wouldn't apologize for being a rebel, and that if he wanted to shoot me, he could go ahead. The grin he gave me told me that he knew nobody would question him if he shot me down in cold blood, but my glare in response reminded him that there's never nobody watching. The good lord is watching him, and will never forgive him, if he kills me like that.

He sighed, and began to lower his carbine, and he rode away. I then continued towards the McLean house. Union soldiers looked at me at first, but went about their business, remaining still and professional, as they knew what was happening inside.

I got close enough to see Robert E. Lee shake General Grant's hand, and I knew what that meant. It was over, enough blood ha]s been shed, and peace will smile upon us, at last.

It was very emotional for me, and I saw Lee ride away, and shortly after, Grant came down the stairs and outside to see me, and some other Confederate soldiers standing there.

He walked towards me, and stopped, about 6 feet from me, I controlled my emotions as best i could, and saluted US Grant. He returned the salute, and went on past me, to mount his horse. I tried so hard to keep myself from crying, but I didn't succeed. All of the Union soldiers remained silent, it was so quiet that I could hear birds chirping in the distance.

What's a dream that made you emotional?
Whats a dream that made you emotional?
What's a dream that made you emotional?
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