Do you believe the damage is done? Is the United States is beyond repair? Is there no making Sodom great again?

Ever since the buffoon Mr Magoo took office in 2021 it's been a total shit show. I mean they literally have done just about everything they could possibly do to run a country into the ground. With the hundreds of fires at food processing plants, the government paying Farmers to not farm the land, plus between floods and droughts there's less food because of that then you have15,000 illegals pouring across the border every day. So there's going to be less food but many more mouths to feed so its pretty simple math huh? But despite all this many Lefty loonies that have their head in the sand think everything's still hunky-dory. They say Biden and Harris are doing a good job. You literally have to be deaf dumb and blind to think that. Or have severe TDS which just over rules everything, reality truth, and facts. But yet they're people will still vote for these bozos. But so many people have put their hope in faith that if they can just get Trump back in office he'll make everything okay he'll make America great again. Personally I believe the damage is done plus with all the wokeness being pushed on kids at every level elementary high school, college, they are being taught to hate this country. They removed prayer and God from schools and replace it with LBGTQ garbage. I Have my doubts if they will allow Trump back in office because they have an agenda. My honest opinion is time is short we're living in the last days. The Bible said whenever you see all this that's happening in the world right now to look up because our redemption draws near. Meaning Jesus is about to return for all those who believe in him. I believe time is short and you need to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins because I believe he's coming back soon. You don't want to be left behind, it really will suck then.

Do you believe the damage is done? Is the United States is beyond repair? Is there no making Sodom great again?

🔥 At food processing plants locations

Do you believe the damage is done? Is the United States is beyond repair? Is there no making Sodom great again?
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