Should Catholic church pay reparations to Protestants for centuries of persecution?

It's upsetting to see this French history where Protestants were massacred by the King of France and various Catholics... because of their beliefs. Didn't they read their Bibles about what Jesus said. I guess that's what happens when electing a 5-14 yr old King! Never do that...

It could be done as follows:

* In New York City, open up statute of limitations for 2 years going back to 1500. The history is clouded, but also clear (e. g. if you see a shark fin in the water, you don't have to see through clear water to know what's in there).

* After judge rules in favor of Protestants, levy claims against Catholic church. Could sell off treasures stored in Vatican or levy tax.

The other option is to make a day of remembrance and apology against such atrocities, and recognize as such the many souls lost when the Catholics, by many measures, were wrong.

St Bartholomews day Aug 23 -24
St Bartholomew's day Aug 23 -24

Until then, I'm forthwith declaring August 24th, Protestant Remembrance Day, in celebration of the Huguenot. It's on my calendar.

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Yes, should be compensated for murdering people
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Should Catholic church pay reparations to Protestants for centuries of persecution?
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