Do you actually believe that America is still a Representative Democracy or Republic?

Do you actually believe that America is still a Representative Democracy or Republic?

Amazon was going to bring in 25,000 jobs to New York, but AOC kicked them to the curb. Who was she representing in that decision? Herself? She's a fucking bartender, turned politician!

Do you actually believe that America is still a Representative Democracy or Republic?

Was it Lucifer, himself, or the Democrats that invented the Super Delegate? What the fuck? lol

"We promise to represent you, but since you're stupid, we don't have to." "Orange Man Bad"

I truly believe that if "We The People" were ACTUALLY "represented" Joey, Mitch, Nancy, and Chuck, would have been put out to pasture hundreds of years ago.

Do you actually believe that America is still a Representative Democracy or Republic?

Did you know that Trump was against the Afghanistan and Iraq wars? 7 trillion up in smoke, but Joey was all for that. Joey was "representing" us.

Do you actually believe that America is still a Representative Democracy or Republic?
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