Are the Chinese afraid to sell their Mighty Dragon to Russia because they fear it being exposed as inferior to western fighters?

Are the Chinese afraid to sell their Mighty Dragon to Russia because they fear it being exposed as inferior to western fighters?
Are the Chinese afraid to sell their Mighty Dragon to Russia because they fear it being exposed as inferior to western fighters?

I mean the F22 has been around 33 years and actually beat out a 2nd very capable fighter stealth fighter so the J-20 is actually 30 years out of date. The US also has the F35 flying around and it beat out another very capable Stealth fighter the X32. Currently the US is about to introduce its new Stealth fighter that will blow away anything the Chinese or Russian's have. Chinese aircraft technology is largely copied from the US aircraft designed in the 70s and Russian license built equipment. With Russian failure in Ukraine countries are not looking to buy Russian aircraft with countries like India realising their airforce are inferior due to Russian aircraft are buying French Raffales and US equipment.

Are the Chinese afraid to sell their Mighty Dragon to Russia because they fear it being exposed as inferior to western fighters?
Are the Chinese afraid to sell their Mighty Dragon to Russia because they fear it being exposed as inferior to western fighters?
Are the Chinese afraid to sell their Mighty Dragon to Russia because they fear it being exposed as inferior to western fighters?
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Are the Chinese afraid to sell their Mighty Dragon to Russia because they fear it being exposed as inferior to western fighters?
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