Why are Hispanic Americans peaceful in the United States but in their home countries, it’s so chaotic and violent?

The same people but what’s the difference? Similar rates of poverty (almost). So the answer isn’t poverty entirely. The answer must lie within the war on drugs?
The first graph is homicide in USA stats and the second is homicide stats globally which Mexico and Central American countries have the highest homicides rates globally. So you have people that live in the most violent environments in the world but in USA, they aren’t violent anymore.

The third graph is crime rate by citizenship status meaning illegal immigrants or undocumented immigrants which are mostly from
Why are Hispanic Americans peaceful in the United States but in their home countries, it’s so chaotic and violent?
Why are Hispanic Americans peaceful in the United States but in their home countries, it’s so chaotic and violent?
Why are Hispanic Americans peaceful in the United States but in their home countries, it’s so chaotic and violent?
Why are Hispanic Americans peaceful in the United States but in their home countries, it’s so chaotic and violent?
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