Everyone, no matter how smart, is guilty of at least one irrational belief, whether it be religion, politics, etc. According to others, what's yours?

Everyone, no matter how smart, is guilty of at least one irrational belief, whether it be religion, politics, etc. According to others, whats yours?

What's the one thing you believe in that's stupid?

Could be Christianity or any other religion. Could be being a Democrat (or any other major political party). Could be believing the Earth is flat. Could be anything. What's your one really stupid belief, according to sane rational people?

Everyone, no matter how smart, is guilty of at least one irrational belief, whether it be religion, politics, etc. According to others, whats yours?

According to others, my first one is that my height "isn't that bad." Which of course, I don't believe in. I get others are fine being objectively genetically-valueless, worthless human beings (aka "average"). But that's not something I would ever want to be. It makes me cringe thinking of being valueless. I'm not as sh*tty and disposable as a 180 cm male. That's human cattle, the chaff from the wheat, and genetically worthless human trash, and I don't accept it. If other people are fine being extremely replaceable/valueless, they can be, but that appalls me as a human being. So I hate being as short as I am.

According to others, my other irrational belief, is being disgusted and turned off by queer people as a romantic or sexual option, specifically queer women. But I'm not attracted to lesbians in any way, especially the lesbians who call themselves "bisexual" and they're the ones who actually gross me out. The open and honest lesbians I don't have a problem with, cause at least they don't gaslight, trick, simp-bait, and manipulate straight men. I know some men are into that though, so they go after queer women who openly admit they're attracted to women (thus, not them). Which is bizarre to me, but I don't care.

So I hate being short, and I'll never date or sleep with queer women/people. Those are my so-called "irrational" beliefs according to other people. What are yours?

Everyone, no matter how smart, is guilty of at least one irrational belief, whether it be religion, politics, etc. According to others, what's yours?
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