Should someone who loathes their country and disavows it still be allowed to have the benefits of said country?

Should someone who loathes their country and disavows it still be allowed to have the benefits of said country?

If you have someone who's been given virtually everything they've ever wanted in life, for being lucky enough to be born in a certain country, but hates their country because they're a spoiled brat sh*tstain and takes every opportunity to disrespect their country and its people, should that someone still be allowed to have the benefits, perks, and privileges that comes with being a citizen of that country?

Say this is a person who has spit on their country's flag and disrespected it several times and openly denounced citizenship. They then do something stupid in an authoritarian regime and get punished severely for it. Should their home country come to this person's aid and help them?

You could argue "yes, even if they're a spoiled sh*tstain, we don't leave behind our own." But you can also argue "there are no rules or obligations to go out of our way to save someone who never respected the place they're from and now have their wish to no longer live there," especially if this person has repeatedly disrespected their country and citizens.

So what do you think? Do we prove to this person why they've been wrong their whole lives? Or do we let them live by their own words, actions, and choices?

THE FATHERLY APPROACH: Yes, we help our own, even if they're spoiled little brats.
THE TOUGH LOVE APPROACH: They've got to earn their citizenship back and apologize several times to get back into their country's good graces before we even think about helping them.
THE HARSH APPROACH: They've unofficially renounced all citizenship. Screw 'em! They're on their own!
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Should someone who loathes their country and disavows it still be allowed to have the benefits of said country?
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