Abortion is wrong, why is this a debate?

Ok so I saw two posts earlier you guys probably saw it too, it got me a little triggered ngl but... Do people really think that abortion is ok? This is TOTALLY wrong and I get a bit worried by the fact that countries actually allow this. When people say pro-choice I just think pro-murder, really. Someone has to talk about this. Honestly guys, birth control is a thing, condoms are a thing so why take a child's life if all of these things are here for the specific reason to not make you pregnant? You're not allowed to kill your baby outside of the womb so how the hell are you able to kill them inside the womb? Just think about it: that child could've grew up to be an amazing doctor, soldier, engineer or maybe even the president but no, his/her life is cut short because of... what again? I still don't understand. I'm sorry to say it but if you think that this abortion thing is right... I don't want anything to do with you. I'm so young but I can't believe that I have more common sense than some adults who think that this should be allowed (This was more of a rant than a question but thanks for reading anyway)
Abortion is wrong, why is this a debate?
+1 y
If y'all wanna talk about "childbirth and bearing a child is hard" then don't. Do you know how many preventions there is for pregnancy these days? Condoms are 99.98% guaranteed, come on guys. But since most of the people these days are obsessed with sex, I'm not surprised.
+1 y
Im not even reading comments anymore. I gotta say, the amount of people who think this is ok is really concerning. Most of y'all are bringing Christianity into this but i didn't mention a thing about religion. Cause you dont need to be religious to know that abortion is disgusting. All i gotta say is: god bless all of you. The world is going south and its only getting worse. This is all the devil's work.
Abortion is wrong, why is this a debate?
Post Opinion