Do you think creating and discussing hypotheticals is important?

Was watching a YouTube debate yesterday and this one person in the debate could not get how or why hypotheticals can be very important. in my opinion they help us arrive or reveal answers before something actually occurs even if it doesn’t happen.

What is a hypothetical: A proposition or statement that is presumed true for the sake of logical analysis or debate. • Hypotheticals are often used as teaching tools to illustrate the application of legal principles or to explore the potential consequences of words and actions

id even argue really out there hypotheticals are important thought exercises too. We are attempting to isolate truths, or to determine best outcomes. Its largely important in ethics.

In one of my previous questions i asked if people agree with the statement "Anyone can become a billionaire in America, but not everyone." a few people i gave a hypothetical to help give them an understanding. so my example is: Imagine if ever single person in the world actually worked extremely hard in life, could everyone of them make it in our capitalist system in America?

It's impossible and would never happen. but i construct the hypothetical this way to help better demonstrate a truth about this statement i asked about.
Do you think creating and discussing hypotheticals is important?
Yes I agree that hypotheticals are very important to discuss
No i disagree i don't think they are important
I'm not sure
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if anyone can please state why they think its not important i'd appreciate it. i think they are fundamental to understanding how to get to a better society
Do you think creating and discussing hypotheticals is important?
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