“Culture is the Ho Chi Minh Trail to power,” what do you think of this quote?

It was said by Pat Buchanan in the early 1990's. Pat was an American paleoconservative who was an assistant and special consultant to U. S. Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan. He sought the Republican presidential nomination in 1992 and 1996. He made this quote sometime in the early 90's after he made this "culture war" speech at the RNC in 1992 for George H W Bush. And while Bush lost that election terribly, the way the media portrayed and attacked him on the presidential trail was not lost on Buchanan and so he felt that it was through the arts and hollywood that he could win elections (which he lost too).
“Culture is the Ho Chi Minh Trail to power,” what do you think of this quote?
I feel like its a bit of a mask off moment for republicans who seek power at all costs and the best way to achieve that is through culture.

What do you think of this quote? https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-05-28-ca-40741-story.html
“Culture is the Ho Chi Minh Trail to power,” what do you think of this quote?
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