Have you seen the (must watch) LGBT throwdown debate?

This one is for the debate / politics lovers, but also people interested in these issues or perhaps wanting to hear from all sides. Even though i am straight myself and have been an outspoken critique on this site as far as LGBT ideology goes i think this debate was amazing and gives a good insight into the different perspectives and the fact that people that claim to speak for LGBT issues are not speaking for everyone. Its a decently moderated debate between the left and the right on issues that were addressed by their peers.
If you have seen it, what are your thoughts and who did you think won?
Yes, i think the Left won the debate.
Yes, i think the Right won the debate.
No, but i might watch it this seems really interesting!
No, and i do not care about debates and/or LGBT issues
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Have you seen the (must watch) LGBT throwdown debate?
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