I just want to tell the men here that we see your struggle. I appreciate you.


I saw a post that said men get like 2 compliments a year.


The ones who fucking BUILT civilization, DIED in all the wars, FOUGHT off bears and tigers and even spiders. The ones who kept their families and communities safe since the dawn of time.

Well, I see it. And I can't imagine I'm the only one. If you have managed to put up with all the ire and hate of modern day feminism; if you sat there through grade school, high school, and even college (if you managed to get it); if you put up with all that and still managed to grow up into a real man, I FUCKING APPLAUD YOU.

What is a real man?

This is just my opinion, but a real man takes responsibility for his own life: mistakes and accomplishments. A real man joins with others in teams and accomplishes what he sets out to do. A real man is a leader without becoming an oppressor. He operates with intention and has a purpose. He applies his mind to the world and actually bends it to his will.

A real man treats women with respect and not as playthings. A real man is not playing video games 80 hours a week. A real man would rather have the respect of others than be given a pile of un-earned cash.

If this is even partially you, men, you amaze me. Keep going and the world will be in good hands indeed.

I just want to tell the men here that we see your struggle. I appreciate you.
Post Opinion