I am neither Democrat or Republican, I follow my own political ideology

My right leaning political views:

  • I support the first amendment which protects freedom of speech and expression
  • I support the second amendment which gives the citizen the right to bear arms
  • I support strong self defense rights which allow citizens to defend themselves and others
  • I support abolishing the FBI, ATF, IRS and US marshals for being tyrants
  • I am critical of woke movements like the feminist movement for trying to subjugate males and also dividing males and females.

"America needs fewer laws, not more prisons" - James Bovard

I also have independent political views that don't seem to shared by either the left or right:

  • I support abolishing all debt collectors because they are scum of the Earth who prey upon vulnerable consumers. Abolishing debt collection would protect identity theft victims.
  • Extradition to foreign countries for non violent offenses should be abolished, only violent crimes should be extraditable offenses but only if there is proof that the person was physically present in that country. Extradition between states should be abolished, instead the person should be tried and sentenced in the state they are arrested in. This would protect innocent people from being wrongly extradited.
  • Most types of lawsuits in America should be abolished, since there are greedy people who like to use the court to make money. The only types that wouldn’t be abolished would be physical injury, physical damage to property, medical malpractice, domestic violence and abuse from authorities (police brutality etc).
  • Either abolish the military draft or make women get drafted as well, now that's equality.
  • Abolish both the Democrat and Republican parties as both parties are too authoritarian for a country that is supposed to be the "land of the free".
  • Reform the police and Sheriff: I disagree with both the "Defund the police" and the "Blue lives matter" movements, instead America needs to reform both the police and Sheriff to be more like Finland's police force.
  • I am a Christian(there are both left and right wing Christians)
  • Just leave me alone, everyone should leave each other alone
" I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery" - Jean Jacques Rousseau

However I do have 3 political views that are left leaning:

  • Gradually reform all jails and prisons to be more like Finland's and Germany's prisons. Separate non violent inmates from violent inmates. Non violent inmates should have more privileges than violent inmates. Non violent inmates can work normal jobs outside of jail/prison, get an education, wear their street clothes, have 3 hours of leisure time with their friends and families outside of the correctional facilities, be allowed to have a duffle bag of personal belongings with them, dormitories instead of cell blocks and house arrest would be used more often for non violent criminals. While violent inmates can wear their street clothes, have less restrictions on what personal belongings they can have and have access to at least one electronic device. Both non violent and violent inmates would have access to medical and mental health services and be receiving a rehab program designed to correct their behaviors.
  • I don't have strong opinions on immigration, we are all human beings who share the same planet. I don't care who comes to this country as long as they behave.
  • Better treatment for the mentally ill, they should be a protected group of people. There is no reason why the mentally ill should be treated like livestock. They are human beings as well. Many people who suffer from mental illness were born that way but unfortunately there is so much ignorance about it.

"Men in denim built this country, while men in suits destroyed it "-unknown

I am neither Democrat or Republican, I follow my own political ideology
Post Opinion