myReview 9 d

Can someone explain the red pill movement to me?

Red Pill Girl
Red Pill Girl

It seems like these guys see the gym bros getting tons of tail, and then these same party girls will friend zone them, or ignore them completely.

I agree that these party girls who all line up to be the ninth girl on a top 10% guy's list are intensely dumb. Expecting those party guys to settle down with them is absurd - and can only end in tragedy. Those guys have lists of women they can call the second you become boring or demanding. So a girl can expect a few weeks of sex as long as she's bubbly and fun, but the moment she suggests he go exclusive, she's gone.


There are a lot of girls who live their lives for the future, not just the weekend. They are not interested in how much dick they can get, they are looking for security, home, hearth, and family. They don't get BBLs or fake tits or lip filler, and they look - as the red pillers say it - mid. They have a low body count because they aren't going to hop in the sack with you on the third date.

It seems to me that these red pillers - the ones that still want anything to do with women - want nice, porn-star beautiful girls who have a low body count, but are willing to pay for dinner and hop in the sack on the first date and have no expectations.

Look, I'm not judging. I love sex. It's just that I love my future much, much more. I don't grasp what these guys are looking for. You're not going to get easy sex with no commitment from a good girl. There are no good girls who have big fake tits and will let you do anal on the first date. Good girls with a low body count are saving themselves for a future with a house and kids, not for your 21st birthday party.

Oh, and I'm not looking for anyone to explain to me how all women are thieves, or 304s. I want to understand what these guys are really looking for that isn't a massive logical contradiction.

Can someone explain the red pill movement to me?
Post Opinion