
Search Results: blows a kiss

Short Men: An Appreciation Post

Unfortunately in this day and age, most women are still adamant that they desire a mate that is taller than them. I am not one of those women. I can appreciate and love a man who may be my height or even shorter than me...

A Visit to the Intensive Care Unit of a Hospital

You hear your phone ring in the dead of the night. It is the voice of a close relative or friend reduced to stuttering out a grim reality that has devastated them with shock. ‘....’ has been rushed to the hospital....

How to Be Less Nervous During a First Date

Hello! I know a lot of you find it hard to hide the nerves during a first date. First dates are quite important, as they can determine your chemistry and hint to potential dates in the future. If you really like the...

A fresh prospective for a new year

A girl on the bus “Could you make another one of these.” I had not been invited to any parties this year. I had friends but they were all doing lame things like playing video games or playing board games without even a...

Light Switch Relationships

I think everyone at one point in their lives has the light switch romance. It's the vicious yet often times unnoticed cycle of dating and breaking up only to date again. So why do people do it? Why do we swear to...

Psychology Behind Not Buying The Girl The First Drink For Nothing

This is an old one: if you sit next to the girl and you ask her or she asks you to buy her a drink and you don't do it you're a douche and you get blown out. If you do it you're a chump and you still get blown out. What's...

14 Romantic Valentine's Day Date Ideas

It’s official! Valentine’s Day is less than one month away, so it’s time to start planning a romantic evening for that special someone! Whether you prefer an intimate night at home or an elaborate night on the town, this...

What We Really Need to Understand About the Horrible Orlando Shooting Written by someone wiser than I, but it bears repeating: "The aftermath of Islamist Afghan-American Omar Mateen’s murderous rampage against American gays seems...

The Melodic Side Of Rock And Metal: 100 Melodic Rock/AOR/Glam Metal Albums from the 80s (Part IX/ Albums from 1988)

(Albums in alphabetical order) 81) Blow My Fuse by Kix This was the biggest selling album for Kix. It’s one of the bands that they were building up their success slowly-slowly...

10 Methods To Try Before Ending Your Relationship

We have all been there. We've been too busy, too confused, too something to deal with a relationship. Sometimes, its as simple as our life has become too boring and we blame our relationship. 1. Remember to DATE your...

A Guide to Surviving in a Long Distance Relationship

The thing that every couple dreads- the significant other (abbreviated SO) moves away, goes off on multiple work trips, is a soldier, etc. Whatever the reason may be (it may even be as simple as your schedules conflict...

What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)

The Protector What is with chivalry? Do women even need men? What are you really saying when you open the door for a woman? Give her your jacket? Help her with a heavy task, or in trouble? Offer to escort her? Pull out...

Expert Theories: The 'Love Biologist' - Dawn Maslar

Love is a powerful emotion. It engages us on all levels, mind, soul and body. The emotional intensity of Love is undeniable, but so are the physical effects it has on a person as they go through the process of meeting...

Does Love Even Exist?

This is not a normal take. It is just something that I have been struggling with the last few weeks and I guess I just feel like venting. I'm having a really hard time dealing with the fact that I have been single for...

My Type of Guy (Funny)

You might have read many takes about this topic but I guarantee you that this one is different and unique and is nothing like those takes you have already read. Whatever I am going to write in this take is true and...

Advice for the True (Non-PC) Men out there: How to Handle Crazy Women!

I've been with many gals in my still short time on planet earth, though I've been with none of them long enough to properly let into my life... And thank fuck I didn't, for while not all of them were " Bad ", many of them...

How To Date An Alpha Female - Winning Her Over

I recently just read an article on, which was basically on how to tell if you are dating an Alpha Female and how to counteract her little techniques and win her over. I thought to myself, hmmmm this is very...

Facebook Meeting

I was going to meet Teresa at a hotel bar where we used to meet all the time. I had not seen her for almost 4 years and on the way I admitted myself that I was actually excited. I calmed myself. She must be excited too....

Top 10 First Date Looks Taken From Professional Makeup Artists

Every woman is beautful - but to bring out that beauty more so, Makeup can be a great tool of enhancement and enchantement. It can boost a single girl's confidence by highlighting the most attractive features she might...

Sex Education: A Brief Guide

We’ve all seen them, the panicked “Could I be pregnant?” questions. I am always amazed at how little sexually active grown-ups know about the reproductive system and the risk involved when having sex so I have decided to...