
Search Results: blows a kiss

Does this mean I was ugly in high school?

Throughout my time at high school I’ve always been bullied by guys. I’ve never been picked on or bullied by girls. My worst bully made my life a living hell. He’d always ask me out ‘as a joke’ in front of his friends and...
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What happened? Met up with this guy who I’d been texting for 3 weeks. He lived 3 hours away, drove to my place for our first date?

He was kind of shy at first, but later on got super drunk and chatty. Said he’s shy around people he likes and he’s got adhd. Nothing happened that night as he wasn’t feeling good and threw up. We did sleep together in...
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New girlfriend is a slut?

My ex never dated her but had a serious physical or romantic attraction to her for 2 years. He wanted her a lot as he experienced "love at first sight" for her. They fell out due to him, she tried to solve their issues,...
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Does he like me more than a friend I’m so confused?

ok so I have this guy friend for years…. we’ve playfully flirted over time. yesterday we were at lunch. while I was walking on front of him he said ‘oh my….. I would marry you’……then when he walked me to my car as I was...
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He wants me just for sex I think and I just want him. Should I keep see him knowing it is just for sex?

I'll explain our relationship. First and second date ended up in bad (second date even started there as it was the only day we could meet and he came after other plans). He actually was very sweet after, and stayed to...
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Do all Girls have multiple personalities? Or just the Girl’s I end up with?

I know girl’s go through hormonal changes but Dam it blows my mind on how Girl’s just easily change like a flip of a switch , One minute she Loves and Adores you and cares about you like you are the best thing that ever...
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My girlfriend has been wicked careless all of a sudden and hurtful as well I dont know what to do?

I've been dating her for over 2 years now and everything was really well at for a while til recently. mostly started when i ended up in the ICU for about a week and almost died. i asked for her to visit and she never came...
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Mansplaining: how often is it accurately applied , or is it just an easy excuse to afford the real facts?

I believe mansplaining has bee over used and abused. There is place for everything, when it used correctly. But it is not something to accuse someone of just because you have a weak argument. Definition: Mansplaining -...
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Why does a girl lose interest in her crush?

Why does a girl suddenly lose interest in her crush she liked for 2 years. They became friends first and she is crazy about him. Then he starts showing interest in her, he asks her out, they kiss few times, then they go...
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My boyfriend is emotionally draining?

My boyfriend is someone who hurt me many times emotionally in the past. And I was feed up with. He also always said doesn't our relationship favor you, let me know, we end it or feel free to break up (without emotion) he...
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Do you think I am that bad?

There was a girl who liked me for a long time. Her friends were telling she likes me for months. We became friends and after few months we got closer. I asked her out she said yes. Before we went out we kissed few times....
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Weird question my boyfriend asks me?

What can I do so you can keep being my girlfriend? I think he's insecure since we have a pretty big age gap 11 years. U often respond that he's doing pretty good now but I don't think he trusts me and I don't give him a...
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Do you believe that a cheater is always a cheater?

Well we all get heart broken at one point in a relationship so do we give those partners that have hurt us a second chance. They may have hurt us by full blown texting another girl or kissing another or even having sex...
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How do you get along with old people?

A lot of people think old people are all senile. But they are smarter then they seem. A tale from the wild, wild West... "An old woman walked up and tied her old mule to the hitching post. As she stood there, brushing...
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A guy I went on 3 dates with wants to see me this week but says he'll be working 6 days out of the week next week for 1 month. Why is he saying this?

Is he trying to blow me off or let me know that this week will be the last time he will want to see me and then disappear later? He's tried to make out with me the last 2 dates. But I didn't reciprocate, I just kissed him...
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When is the best time to stop assuming someone likes you the way you like them?

He's always implied he likes me. We've kissed and cuddled but nothing more. He blows hot and cold. Some days I feel disguarded by him. When is the best time to stop assuming someone likes you and wants to spend time with you?
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Is it normal to be scared of falling in love this much?

I have a guy friend and he wanted my best friend. She liked him too and things were looking well for them. They kissed and they went out. But then she ended things and it really hurt him. It has been ten months. I would...
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Will this situationship ever become a relationship?

I have been in a situationship for a year and I'm in love with this guy. We see each other at least once a week and we have sex (rarely but it happens). He is not affectionate, doesn't kiss or hug me or anything unless I...
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Do you think there will always be chances to marry if you live a spiritual lifestyle?

I blew the chances I had in my teens and twenties but I believe there will still be new chances. I have dreamed multiple times about people I used to know, did not kiss them, did not sleep with them, but dreamed I desired...
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Would you read this book based on its first page?

Waking up to the sounds of her mother doing dishes in the kitchen, she could only think about how her life went through for the last few weeks. Drained of energy, feeling like a corpse she got up from bed and went towards...
Waking up to the sounds of her mother doing dishes in the kitchen, she could only think about how her life went through for the last few weeks. Drained of energy, feeling like a corpse Show More
What the hell is this?
The author needs help.
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