
Search Results: blows a kiss

Parents broke us up..what now?

So for the time that I was dating my boyfriend, I never told my parents about us because I knew my parents were strict about dating and probably wouldn't like my boyfriend. So we kept it a secret and one day while he was...
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She keeps saying she wants to see me, but she ends up blowing me off

I started seeing this girl from school 3 weeks ago, she's 22 I'm 30. She had her eye on me the whole semester and so did I, eventually I made a move and things seemed great. We made out early on and totally hit it off, we...
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Do girls like when I play with their bellybuttons?

hey ever since I was a kid I always I had a thing for girls bellybuttons. I don't know why but its just the way they look and smell I guess. I also like when its pierced, or when it has a tattoo around it. I like it...
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Advice telling women not to initiate contact with guys they like is really irritating?

Hi, so I keep reading advice about how if you like a guy you shouldn't initiate any sort of contact with them because it screams "needy." That really bothers me..actually this article really really made me angry: link...
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3 dates - Guy makes no move. Girls?

A friend of mine (who isn't on this site) was talking to me last night about this guy she had gone on 3 dates with. First of all, he asked her out. They went out on 3 dates, and he initiated all 3. But on the dates, he...
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Drunk friend flirting with me - does she like me?

I have a friend whom I have always found myself attracted to. Recently, a couple of good friends have said to me "what about you and her as a couple?" which got me thinking more about it but kind of brushed it off. One...
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How do I get a girlfriend in community college?

So I've decided to stay at CC for another two or three years, mostly to retake courses that I got a crappy grade in, as well as any remaining general ed requirements and start filling up my lower-division prereqs for...
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What's a good way to gauge his interest level without scaring him way?

I met this guy online and we clicked instantly. Spend hours a day texting until we met, and had the most amazing first date. Shortly after we scheduled a second date, and I'll admit it was a little different. We were at...
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Going on a date with a runny nose?

I have a date on Tuesday.. we have been on one date before, and it went really well, although we didn't kiss. I really want to see him, and so i dont really wanna reschedule if i can avoid it. But i have a runny nose....
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Can someone just tell me if I am being stupid & if we are moving too fast? He already asked me to be his girlfriend after a few dates?

Let me start by saying I really really like this guy. He asked me out on this past Saturday.  He's 29. I'm 20. He at first was cautious, thinking I have so much to experience, but we get along unbelievably well.  I have...
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Guys, a guy touched my butt on first date. Did I ruin my chances by responding this way?

I went on a first date with a guy on Saturday. He was nice and funny, was a pretty cool guy. At one point, he kinda touched my butt, not grabbed, but he did touch it (knowlingly) for a second. Then after we kissed, he...
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My ex girlfriend is blowing hot and cold?

My ex girlfriend i met and talked last week, she was going away a few days after, while away she drunk txted me asking if we were still meeting when she gets back. Well we did ans everything we did was like how it was...
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Would you date an asexual?

Would you ever date someone if you knew there was no chance of ever having sex? All the other parts of the relationship would be there hugs, cuddles, sleeping in the same bed, spooning, kisses all the way to maybe a...
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He will come back when the timing is right?

I've been seeing this guy for a year now. A few days ago we were together and it was perfect. Passionate, loving, we were giggling like high school kids. When I left he walked up to my car window like he was going to say...
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What does it mean when a guy calls you his girlfriend when you aren't actually his girlfriend/nor actually go out?

I work at a drive-in restaurant and there's this guy who works as a server who out of nowhere said "You're my girlfriend now." and blew kisses at me. I was left confused but just laughed it off as nothing since i thought...
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What does it mean when a guy bumps into you with his shoulder?

I went to see my buddy at his work today. I got there. And he wasn't at the register. So I texted him to let him know I was there. I looked at him over my shoulder as soon as he came in. He walked over towards me. Then...
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Are soy boys unattractive? Camp feminine men?

Are girls feminine men unattractive. I mean men who are camp and unattractive. Brian Stelter from CNN has a girls voice and Mark Dice always makes fun of him. Justin Trudeau sits like a man with no balls and has only...
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Can a narcissist friendzone you?

I usually hear about narcissist lovers. I dated a guy briefly who led me on and made me fall deeply. We never did anything physical, not even kissing because he said I never initiated. He then rejected me and wanted to be...
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People tell me i'm good looking but girls never pay any attention to me?

Almost all of my life i've been called cute, hot, handsome. People always approach me when they want to ask something it could be a 1000 people standing there but they always come up to me this happens almost everyday and...
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My friend was acting weird asf why?

So this dude and I used to be friends with benefits’s realizing I was catching feelings I asked to stop having sex. He was fine with that. I also told him why and he said he liked me just not marriage type of thing. Which...
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