
Search Results: blows a kiss

Is she mad at me (gave her a hickey)?

So I've been seeing this girl for about a month, things have been going great and we always have a good time together...we talk every day and see each other at least 3 times per week. Last night we were at a house party...
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Why does he care so much? What is he thinking? (Wise advice please)

So me and this guy, Jordan became friends through college and we both started liking each other. He thinks I'm gorgeous, wise, so caring toward other people, and just an amazing person. When it came around to "the talk"...
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Been dating this Jewish girl for about 2 months..

OKay so, let me start this off. So I've known this Jewish girl since high school. We actually started talking about 2 months ago. And have gone on plenty of dates. Now I'm not rushing anything, so I'm cool with the pace...
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Accidentally rejected a girl that I was into. Have I messed up? Where do I go from here?

A few weeks ago i had to do this talk for Uni where I had to sell the course im doing to students. I stayed after the talk ended to answer any questions people may have had but ended up chatting to one of them for about 2...
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Should I just forget about it? Was she just drunk or did she like me?

⭕️ Okay I met this woman at a party and we were having fun, dancing, about her and life in general, we sat down and held hands and cuddled together, we french kissed like 3 times - and we’re on the couch but every few...
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Is this genuine or just a rejection?

(im not sure if that’s genuine or not, she did say that night she has a daughter, a part time job and studying in college) ✔️Okay I met this woman at a party and we were having fun, dancing, about her and life in...
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How to set better boundaries, am I possibly just being a brat?

My mom has had a rough life. I'm her only child and I'm all she has. We live together but I pay for half the rent and the vast majority of her bills and mine. Id like to live on my own but if I were to do that she...
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Is it too soon to ask the question or is there any point?

Iv been seeing a guy for almost 8 weeks now he visits me about twice a week he texts all the time is totally attentive we get on great have a laugh he cups my face when we kiss he kisses passionately the sex is great but...
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Does this sound like he likes me more than friends?

I have a close male friend. we kinda flirt sometimes. he always notices everything about me. will compliment my clothes hair etc. he will playfully touch me on the arm while talking to me, we can chat for hours abut...
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Male friend……. is he into me?

My male friend is doing the following plenty of eye contact, playfully teasing me over silly things, remembers silly things I’ve said, he will hold my arm while chatting away to me, notices new clothes will tell me how...
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How to deal with a relationship where your SO isn’t affectionate or intimate?

My boyfriend is a great guy. I love him to the moon and back, and I know he loves me very much. But he has always had issues with intimacy and being affectionate. He had a terrible childhood. He was never shown affection...
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Does it seem like he’s just not that into me and I should move on?

we first met in feb. He tried to make a move and I blew it by acting awkward and uninterested and he just decided to friendzone me when I explained why via text. then he flirted with me one night then after that he even...
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Can sleeping with a guy too soon really put him off?

For reference, we've been speaking online for a good few weeks (met on Tinder), last Sunday we had our first date which went perfectly well, we laughed all day, and he text me as soon as he got home to let me know he had...
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Forever alone. Joke or Humilation?

A week ago I get invited to go out with friends. After an afternoon spent for shopping and an aperitif, we stop at a friend's house to end the evening with a movie. There were 5 of us: me and 2 newly born couples. Halfway...
A week ago I get invited to go out with friends. After an afternoon spent for shopping and an aperitif, we stop at a friend's house to end the evening with a movie. There were 5 of us: Show More
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Girl I’m dating done a 180° on me. Started with lots of physical intimacy. Then after lots of mixed signals she doesn’t know what she wants? 🤷🏻‍♂️?

We met late Sept, saw/dated/hooked up most of Aug. Last two weeks asked for meet ups were blown off, and texts excuses were made. I let it go as she’d retext and engage in convo. Almost like a dopamine hit for me....
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Do you agree with the most popular Halloween candy in your state? Alabama: Skittles Alaska: Twix Arizona: Hershey’s Kisses Arkansas Butterfinger California: M&M’s Colorado: Milky Way Connecticut: Almond Joy Delaware: Sour Patch Kids Florida:...
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How do you go from being in a relationship to just friends?

So basically my boyfriend tonight came to the decision that we should just be friends right now. I've been in college and I'm in the hardest quarter of my life and it's really stressing me out and I'm really stressed,...
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Why do men sometimes distance themselves.... and what does this mean...?

Ok... my story! I have been seeing this guy for about a month. We had fantastic first couple of dates, on out third date we slept together, as it felt right. The next time I saw him after that I helped him move house but...
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How do you "undo" a breakup? I think I messed up.

When my ex and I broke up, I told him on so many occasions I'd never go back to him. After a rocky beginning, we turned out to be great friends. Many people have told me they think he still likes me. I'm not sure of it...
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Why did this guy contact me after 3 months of no talking?

So I met this guy from a dating site back in December. I felt comfortable with him, so I stayed the weekend with him though it wasn't intended as that at first. He even bought all my food that weekend even though I...
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