Do you think by being a good person and doing good deeds get you to heaven?

The answer is no. There is only one way you can receive eternal life and be forgiven of your sins and that is by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Recently was blocked by a person who claimed they were saved but said they were atheist. Set at 7 years of age they said the sinner's prayer so their name was written in the book of Life. At age 7 you're still on at the age of accountability yet. But the Bible is very clear believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. But if you say stuff like if Jesus exists maybe he exists I don't know I'm a good person I treat people good I have a good heart you are deceiving yourself. John 3:16 for whosoever shall Believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. But you must believe 100% no doubting. Obviously I triggered this person who blocked me and they got extremely defensive to where I couldn't even respond to them anymore. So that is the reason for this post. You will have a meeting with Jesus the only question is will you be meeting him as your savior or as your judge?

Do you think by being a good person and doing good deeds get you to heaven?
Do you think by being a good person and doing good deeds get you to heaven?
Post Opinion