Am I faithful and how can I be better?

i am afraid god is mad at me i am afraid of going to hell i have always believed in god even when i said i was atheist cause i have a fear of god and the devil but i recently have tried to accept jesus and i prayed and said i accept him into my heart and acknowledge him as god and that he is my lord and savior but i don’t know if it could be due to my OCD or intrusive thoughts but now i am afraid that i didn’t mean it when i said i accept him as my savior and i am also having the thoughts of what if he is angry at me for not meaning it is this probably my ocd and thoughts messing with me cause i am afraid of god and believe in him everytime something bad has happened in my life even before i accepted him i would turn to prayer and knew that god was the only one who could fix it so you think i have put my faith into god or do i need to work on it just really wondering if it could be from my thoughts or do it really god telling me he is angry and i didn’t mean it i felt good and relieved when i did it but in the following hours i have felt like what if i didn’t will i still be saved will jesus forgive me is it wrong to want to go to heaven and to put my faith in jesus so i can be saved?

Am I faithful and how can I be better?
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