When Christian improved the bad order by rabbi, they didn't follow their own method to group by TYPE? was it also an error? or someone can explain?

while comparing the order of bible books, i noticed an improvement by type, but not really by type? was it an error?

Between "the books of group story, ending with esther, a story," until the "group prophets starting with isaiah," the christian order is: 4 of 5 books moved for fixing the bad order: Job ! , Psalms ! , Proverbs R , Ecclesiastes ! , Song of Solomon !" different from rabbi, because improved the bad order by rabbi, grouping the same type, (and claimed same author,) eccl. idea type, with prov. idea type instead of separated between same type idea , with song between the two books of ideas.
worse rabbis even had a story ruth interrupted between these books of idea.
christian fixed by moving ruth story to the story group, so it won't interrupt, and moved eccl. by same type idea book prov.
Still psalms is song type like book named song so should not be separated apart? can you explain this or it is an error?

When Christian improved the bad order by rabbi, they didn't follow their own method to group by TYPE? was it also an error? or someone can explain?
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