Is God Really Real?

Is God Really Real?

Some of you who are Christian are gonna say "Yes he is!" or something similar, but hear me out before you answer.

I am a Atheist. I have said why I am a Atheist in a previous myTake. I went to church a couple times. I gave the religion a chance. Not my thing. I believe in Science 100% I believe that the world will end in destruction (meteor hitting earth, Sun's death, etc.) I don't believe that the world will end in with Jesus coming back (or whatever.).

I don't think God is real, nor did God make me, I was developed in the womb of my mother. This world was made with rock and material pulled together by gravity. The whole universe was once a solar nebula and gravity made the universe how it is today.

I think there's some specific rules for you to follow, you follow and be a 'good boy/girl' you get to go to Heaven. Do the opposite and you go to Hell. I'm not really sure on that part.

I read an article on "Proof on how God is real" and it says Nature is one proof that God is real, but it's not really. Nature is proof that Earth is alive and breathing. I'm not saying I believe Earth is alive like us, but really it feels like it as Nature could be known as Earth itself.

'Miracles' are also something on the website. They say "A miracle is an event whose only adequate explanation is the extraordinary and direct intervention of God." which, really, miracles are just formed out of luck and/or is a random chance type of thing. You can see where I got this at:

I really hope I did not offend you in anyway, this was my opinion on this. All my opinion. I don't know if God is really real or not. Thanks for reading! If you have questions, opinions, comments please, do ask/tell!

Is God Really Real?
Post Opinion