How do I set a boundary, without placing an ultimatum?

When things get tough, my partner turns to alcohol until it wipes him out. This has been a reoccurring issue, and often occurs when he can’t handle times that I get upset with him. this is very tough situation and i don’t have the means to give him shit about it, because if he's struggling, the last thing i need to do is cause more harm. But i cannot be blind or overlook how it is harming him, our relationship and me. Its so so hard, i can’t even explain it. And i know that if things dont change, it will be detrimental. And i really love him. How do I place a healthy boundary, with our relationship and his drinking, but not in a way where im placing an ultimatum where he has to choose. I just dont think thats the healthiest thing to do when things are sensitive. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you for reading and im sorry for bothering.

How do I set a boundary, without placing an ultimatum?
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