Any advice for an almost 32 virgin man?

I'm almost 32 years old and a good looking guy ( many people told me that) virgin and never been in a relationship I have a normal life I'm a social person amd have a small business but this thing is killing me inside, I like a girl of 28, but i fear that when she find about my total inexperience she will run away. I feel bad and ashamed I don't know what to do, time flies I think that it's late for me , the reason why it happen is that Years ago After a rejection by a girl that i liked for so long I don't pursued any girl due to this delusion, and my insecurities has grown too much. one month ago I've known a girl that work in a shop in my town and i like her so much after years of not liking so much anybody I even dreamed of her one night.
I don't speak English very well sorry for any grammar mistake. I know as I've read on internet that many women don't like to be involved with older male virgin, any advice is welcomed

Any advice for an almost 32 virgin man?
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