Can an unloving, rocky marriage cause health issues?

My mom is nearly 59 years old and dad turned 70 on April. Mom had me before her 22nd b-day.

They've been having an unloving, volatile, rocky marriage full of horrible arguments for so long. Long ago it would even led to certain physical altercations. Personally I would end it immediately if it even leads to an insulting match. I believe a relationship or marriage should never get physical, not normal.

Present-day, both of my parents are having health issues. My mom takes medications for her super high cholesterol level, suffers from knee pain and sometimes rapid heart beat. My dad has to take blood pressure pills for life (otherwise his BP skyrockets and he can't scream nor be stressed to much), is having hip pain when standing up and suddenly can't walk straight without grabbing onto something; it's likely he'll be using a cane in the near future. He has been wondering if too much stress in the marriage and all those arguments and bad times with mom is indirectly causing his body to deteriorate. Likely, my mom thinks the same about dad.

Can staying in a rocky marriage where both are toxic towards each other, cause health issues and even accelerate an earlier death later on?

3 d
For whatever reason, they won't file for divorce. They both feel stuck.
Can an unloving, rocky marriage cause health issues?
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