My boyfriend and his daughter are a mess. How do I tell them to clean up after themselves?

I have recently bought my own home and since then have frequently had my boyfriend (35) and his daughter (8) spending weekends. Problem is, I spend all week cleaning up after them when they leave and I am starting to really resent having them around. I don't get a lot of quality time with the boyfriend when his daughter is around (he shares custody) and I have expected that since early on in the relationship, but I didn't expect the further lack of quality time with him, or any 'me time' through the week as I clean up after them. Also just the disrespect because every time they are at my house things get broken, ruined. It's becoming a common theme and I'm not sure how to broach the subject with him. I feel like most kids her age can clean up after themselves and he isn't cleaning up after her either (although I feel like he shouldn't have to). Feeling like this is a glaring red flag since we have been talking about moving in together.

Worried because I don't want to overstep on his parenting but I feel pretty disrespected when they are guests in my home.

My boyfriend and his daughter are a mess. How do I tell them to clean up after themselves?
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