Is your husbands Instagram reels/YouTube reels filled with videos of girls dancing, half naked, or just talking something?


so the other day I went on my husbands phone and clicked on Instagram reels and like the first 4/5 videos were all of girls. Now this bothers me so I asked my husband why this is and he says he doesn't know and it's because women are mostly on social media and then I asked him is it because your watching it? And first he said no and then contributed to say I dunno, I mean obviously if a video comes up you watch it.
So basically he is saying he doesn't have a choice in the matter. He doesn't actively search women's names on Instagram , I mean once in a while I've seen him search a celebrity, but like I dunno why it bothers me so much seeing like most of his reels like that.

do any other people have the same issue? And how do you deal with it? I don't want to control him, I know that if you watch one or two videos on YouTube / Instagram then the algorithem can end up showing you loads. And yes maybe he does just watch them because there there and he's bored so he's just scrolling. I don't expect him to scroll every time he sees a women but still I just find it bothers me...

Is your husbands Instagram reels/YouTube reels filled with videos of girls dancing, half naked, or just talking something?
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