My husband found out I dated him for a dare (in the beginning) long ago, will he get over it?

Long ago during my teen years to my freshman year of college (I was then ages 16-19), my friends and I used to date a couple guys for a dare, collected some money and then ditch them. We were all immature and stupid back then. There were times we excluded a quiet girl for no reason, made up some false rumors or gave her the wrong address to a party. I wasn't the best person back then. Looking back, I can't believe that was me at the time, different from my present 34 year-old self.

The last dare (then 19) was what forever changed my mind. I started liking him on the 2nd month, fell for him, canceled the dare, stayed with him and he's now my husband. We've been married for 10 years now and have two kids (8 year-old girl and 5 year-old girl). He found this out through a very old email between my friends and I, which takes about the dare, the way he made fun of the other guys and how he's another fool I'll ditch shortly. I would like to point out this was all said before I started liking him.

This disovery has hurt him and I'm wondering if he'll eventually get over it. That's not who I am anymore and haven't been for the longest.

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He also found out about what we did to that girl on the email. Again that's not who I am anymore either.
My husband found out I dated him for a dare (in the beginning) long ago, will he get over it?
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