You ever stayed in a relationship mainly for the kids sake?

My wife and I separated for awhile , but we managed to try to work things out , but that didn’t last long , We are still legally married , but pretty much live separate lives , we are just room mates mainly. We no longer sleep together or do things together , we are mainly just living together for the kids sake. She said once the kids are on their feet , we will go our separate ways again, Our kids are older and on their way out into the world Part of me wants to meet someone else , because I feel lonely and I don’t really have anyone but my kids. I miss feeling wanted and appreciated and miss having someone I can share things with and be intimate and affectionate with. My wife is aware that I am open to meeting someone else and she is aware her and I are no longer compatible for each other. It seems the only girls’ I meet now , are girls’ that are either cheating on their spouses or boyfriends with me , mainly just sex , but nothing more. Every girl I meet that I am interested in , I am honest to her about everything and don’t lie about anything. Because I want to find a real connection with a girl that more than likely will lead to more than just sex. A girl that wants to fall in love and travel and do things together , I tried fixing my marriage but that was sadly just a waste of time , my wife is a very selfish person and only wants things her way , she thinks she she should be catered to at all times and thinks she shouldn’t have to work. She acts like it’s my responsibility to provide everything, that’s why I no longer want to be with her as well , she is a very selfish person and I would be happy if another guy took her completely away from me , I will gladly shake his hand and say Have fun with that shit. I want a partner , a girl that has my back like I will have hers , that works together as a team. Anyone else experience anything like this? What did you end up doing?
You ever stayed in a relationship mainly for the kids sake?
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