Is being straight forward always right in a relationship?

We've been dating for nearly 3 months now and we had conversation about our goals and why are we dating for, what are we looking for. He asked me what I wanted out of the relationship. I was honest and straight forward about dating with serious, intention. In short terms, dating to get settle down and form a family. He knows I don't want to be a 5-8 year-old live-in girlfriend nor move in just for the sake of trying to see how it all goes. I got my own house too.

Prior to meeting him (during the vetting process), I had to weed out men that were only looking for casual dating, friends with benefits or long-term live-in gfs. This obviously dropped my dating pool by a lot and the selection became much narrower.

Is this approach (the direct and straight forward, laying the card on the table) the correct way in a relationship? I believe in honesty from the start, that way the person knows what they're getting into. He asked for what I wanted and I gave him my answer.

Is being straight forward always right in a relationship?
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