Have you ever dated a guy and while in the relationship suddenly wanted to upgrade?

So I just give context I treated her good and was always by her side. There was an age gap between us I was 31 she was 23. Anyways she didn’t initially have an issue with our age gap then sometime during the relationship she started talking about how women live longer then men and because I was 31 started treating me as if I was an elderly person saying I was so old and after the relationship it got even worse like she went into the relationship perfectly fine know our age gap how does ageism come out of nowhere or between that and the other physical abuse she put me through was that just her mental illness surfacing cause she had previously been in a abusive relationship and was somewhat bothered I wasn’t like him

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Sorry I forgot to put this under asking to girls
Have you ever dated a guy and while in the relationship suddenly wanted to upgrade?
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