What to do stay or leave?

I don't know if this relationship still makes sense. I've been with a guy for 6 months. I feel like our relationship hasn't been going well lately. there is no room for me in his life and I am no longer as important as I was at the beginning. he works long and hard almost all week. We only see each other when I come to work or home - usually for 2 or 3 hours. he stopped writing and calling me or responds with one word. besides, he is the father of two children from a previous relationship, I admit that I distance myself and don't interfere, when he spends time with the children I don't get involved and I try not to come. We talked about sharing an apartment, but I don't want to stay there alone and have someone for a while and when his children come to spend the night. I don't feel good about it and I don't know if I should continue

What to do stay or leave?
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