Can a Man and a Woman be "Just Friends"?

When Harry Met Sally...
When Harry Met Sally...
Are there certain conditions under which a man and a woman can be friends successfully? Can it be done without one being hurt?
Can a Man and a Woman be Just Friends?

Why or why not? What do you think?

Yes, under the right circumstances...
No way, someone is going to get hurt...
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
2 d
I'm going to add a few things to also think about as you consider your response:

Friends vs. close friends

I think a 60 year-old woman and a 25 year old man can be friends. I think a fit guy and an overweight girl can be friends. I think an attractive woman and a good-looking guy can be friends provided they aren't meeting for coffee or hanging out exclusively without a very good reason (work, for example).
2 d
I just need to clarify that this is a rhetorical question, prompted by another question that was asked by someone else on GAG. :)
Can a Man and a Woman be "Just Friends"?
Post Opinion