Am I wrong for wanting to let the dog runaway?

My fiancé recent got a puppy. He’s now 6 months but for the past 2 weeks he’s been gagging and throwing up. He usually eats it (we’ve tried to stop him) but he does what he wants so it’s whatever. Early this morning at 3am the dog shits…no SHAT everywhere in the cage and outside of the cage along with his throw up. I woke my fiancé up and he was pissed but we eventually cleaned it up. Mind you I’m pregnant so I’m already sensitive to smells.

Basically we were both up all day from that point. I come home from work, clearly the dog didn’t feel well since he hasn’t eaten. I’m home three hours and I see the dog pissed the floor. I’m annoyed not because he did it but I’m pissed with my fiancé because he didn’t care.

I get it he’s tired of cleaning up his mess but he was adamant about getting another fucking dog when that shouldn’t have been a priority. I tell him to take the cage out of the bedroom because I’m tired of hearing the dog gag and throw up because he decided to swallow something he shouldn’t he doesn’t want to do that.

Im thinking about the fucking germs. He’s constantly throwing up and i don’t want my baby stepping, touching or even inhaling dog shit, piss, throw up etc!. Leaving it there or waiting until he feels like getting it up is fucking disgusting.

I don’t hate dogs I miss our old dog that passed, but this new puppy is just too clingy and we can barely handle our business because of it!

I’m more pissed that my fiancé is complaining about being tired but I worked all day, cooked the day before so i try to sleep as long as I can. Getting woken up at 3am with the smell of pure sick shit was not on my agenda so I’m basically exhausted and the man don’t give a damn.

Am I wrong for wanting to let the dog runaway?
Post Opinion